Chairman's Notes

Chairman's Notes - June 2024

Jun 23, 2024 ·   Chairman's Notes

At the last 50's Tournament, I was visiting with Hal Hatley, our Vice Chairman, and he mentioned the number of kids and grandkids running around, and it brought a big smile on both of our faces.  When I was elected almost 8 years ago, I  noticed that there not many kids around.  When I was 30, my wife Sherry and I loved bringing  the kids.  Later on, we loved bringing the grandchildren.  You get the picture.  Back to my first year.  I told the Board Members we had to change the atmosphere, and we d ...



Chairman's Notes - May 2024

May 06, 2024 ·   Chairman's Notes

Managers, we had some really bad weather in December and January, but have faired pretty well since then.  We have rattled off several tournaments in a row now with great weather, and hopefully we will continue our good fortune.   BUT, let me remind you that the National Weather Bureau says we are in for a possibly rough summer and fall, with a higher than average chance of many more Tropical Storms and Hurricanes that reach landfall than in normal years.  Let's keep our fingers crossed.   I have several things for yo ...



March 2024 Chairman's Notes

Mar 28, 2024 ·   Chairman's Notes

Managers, here we are at the end of March already.  Remember what my 'Grandfather' always said.  "The older I get , the faster time flies."  Truer words were never spoken my friends.  I have a few things for you.  Please share with your Team and fans so they will know what is going on when they come to the Tournament Sites.   DO NOT check in Players on Saturday that are not physically there.  If they come on Sunday then you come back to the table and sign them in on Sunday!  This past 50's tourname ...



Chairman's Notes - February 2024

Feb 08, 2024 ·   Chairman's Notes

Manager's, praise the Lord.  We finally played some real games this past weekend, and dodged some bad weather as well.  We were told last fall that the weather this winter would be cold and rainy, and the National Weather Service was right.  I am afraid that we will have to deal with this even more in the coming months.  My message to you is, "be patient, and tell your Players that as well."   Those of you who read my "Notes," and the emails that are sent to you know that we had a few contacts that were downright ...



Chairman's Notes - January 2024

Jan 25, 2024 ·   Chairman's Notes

Managers, I have a few things for you:   Your Team cannot play in a Tournament until you are registered and your Roster is in.   2023 is over, and in 2024, we will be playing with the Baden Ball only.  Any other ball used in the past is now not legal.  If you need additional balls at a tournament you can purchase them at your Site.   We will stop the bat testing in mass and will be testing your bats randomly.  In other words, your Site Director may come into your dugout at anytime and tell you to have yo ...



Chairman's Notes - December 2023

Dec 17, 2023 ·   Chairman's Notes

Managers, we are disappointed that we had to cancel the 50's State Tournament, to say the least.  However, after being in the rain all day today, and knowing more is coming, we did make the proper and safe decision.  We will not make up the State Tournament because of the lack of fields in January, and not wanting to bring a hardship on your 2024 roster in February.  The Teams of the Year in the 50's Divisions will be awarded some nice gifts instead.  Teams of the Year are determined by the number of points won in a giv ...



Chairman's Notes - December 2023

Dec 17, 2023 ·   Chairman's Notes

Managers, we are disappointed that we had to cancel the 50's State Tournament, to say the least.  However, after being in the rain all day today, and knowing more is coming, we did make the proper and safe decision.  We will not make up the State Tournament because of the lack of fields in January, and not wanting to bring a hardship on your 2024 roster in February.  The Teams of the Year in the 50's Divisions will be awarded some nice gifts instead.  Teams of the Year are determined by the number of points won in a giv ...



Chairman's Notes - November 2023

Nov 27, 2023 ·   Chairman's Notes

Managers, we are already at the end of November, and looking toward our State Championships in the next few weeks.  For the most part, we had decent weather, except for losing a couple of tournaments.  We had to move Venues, and go to 'shortened games' on occasion, but in the end, most of our games were played, which is exactly what we all like.  We are just like little boys when it comes to playing ball.  When we play, we are generally happy, and when we don't, we are very sad.  But, the beauty of our FHC League i ...



Chairman's Notes - October 2023

Oct 01, 2023 ·   Chairman's Notes

September just flew by, didn't it?  We were fortunate with the weather for both tournaments.  We really try to get our games in, but we are limited by a couple of things.  The first thing, is of course, the weather not just over that weekend but the days leading up to the weekend.  If it rains inches on Thursday and or Friday, the fields may not be available.  I personally have met with all of our Maintenance Supervisors, and they know how large we are, and we bring many games to play, so they will try to get the f ...



Chairman's Notes - August 2023

Aug 24, 2023 ·   Chairman's Notes

Managers, I have a few things for you in this August Chairman's Notes.   As you all know, we are very cautious about the weather, especially during the hurricane season, which we are in right now.  We are going to cancel any tournament in which our members lives may be at risk.  This is our policy and that will not change.  We cancelled the Vero Area Tournament because there was bad weather in the days leading up to the tournament, and the possibility and stormy weather on the weekend.  To save you money we alway ...


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